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Saturday, May 7, 2016

Ascension: Time to get to work...almost!

As Jesus goes to heaven, we know that He is not abandoning us. And even though we still do not want Our Lord to depart from us, this is simply another way that Jesus is showing us that the Father's plans are not our own, that “my ways are not your ways.” Much like when Peter wanted to build three tents at the Transfiguration, it is natural for us as humans to want the good times to stay forever, and to never have to suffer or remember the trial that are still to be endured. Much like the old joke goes, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.” This is as true for us as it was for the 12 Apostles. We need to detach from our own plans and let God's providential hand lead us to the way forward.
Today as we remember the Ascension, Jesus departs, and our mission begins. But it starts without fanfare, without a trumpet blast, and without even an opening project. The first thing that we have to do is the same as the Apostles: wait, watch, and pray. When the time is right, God will act, and the Holy Spirit will push you, but that is for next week (Pentecost). Let us spend this week in prayer, truly and sincerely asking the question: WHERE IS THE LORD'S MISSION FOR ME AT THIS STAGE IN MY LIFE? What does God want of me, here, now, this month, this summer, this year? WHERE does He want me? TO WHOM is He sending me?

As we ask these questions throughout this week, I invite you to listen to Sr. Gaudiosa's message and support her mission, a mission which Bishop Rhoades has chosen for us to be a part of. Thank you Sr. Gaudiosa.

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