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Saturday, May 8, 2021

sunday homily - 6th Sun. of Easter

 Peter baptizes "gentiles" (non-Jews), because "the Lord has revealed to the nations His saving power." Throughout the Old Testament this promise has waited, for God to bless all peoples through Israel, through the Jewish people. Now in Christianity, this is true. 

Baptized into Christ, we are transformed by His gift of love. We die to this world, we enter the tomb with Him and come out with Him transformed. Thus we have a "new" commandment: to love as He loves us. In keeping this commandment, we are friends of Jesus and He begins to live in us. Baptism allows this process to begin for us, and the only requirement for us to be open to the salvation God has given us is to truly live this new commandment. "No greater love than to lay down your life for one's friends." Jesus thought we were worth dying for. We are His friends. Will we show Him the same love back? What way do you need to "lay down your life" for Jesus? 

Your king loves you deeply. All He wants is your love. Will you deny him?

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