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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Trinity - can't we all just get along?

Graduation speeches often sugarcoat radical individualism.
We as Catholics gather every Sunday to say the exact opposite: we need each other, we need God!
Indeed, as we remember Trinity Sunday, God himself proves the exact opposite, that we His Children are most ourselves when we are in relationship with others.
Families are hurting. families are suffering and dissolving because of sin, selfishness, and individualism.
Pope Francis: we must be on the periphery. His first synod is on the family.
There is a kind of schizophrenia in our nation over what we were made for. Was it individualism, or was it love and self-gift in relationship with others. I see this conflict every single day, especially at funerals and weddings and baptisms where relationships are so obviously the most important and fundamental part of who we are - where it cannot be denied that we were somehow just made that way.  In fact, as Catholics we know that  God, who created us in his own image and likeness, is himself a relationship: a Trinity of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, as we say in the sign of a cross, that foundational the symbol of our faith.  So we can say, "yeah,  relationships are what we are all about." And even though the individual is important, it is not the goal of our existence. Love is the goal of our existence. 
But in this fallen world, love and relationships can be very hard.  There is a lot of hurt that needs to be healed by Christ. We must allow God to show us the way by His example. In the Gospel, we hear that "God loves the world so much that he sends His Son to die on the Cross."
Because God is all about relationships, and because we need that relationship with him, God reaches out and makes that space for mercy and forgiveness. Are we able to do that ourselves and our world today?
Moses: getting close to God means getting close to humanity. (And also, Pope Francis)

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