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Monday, March 11, 2019

Resisting Temptation - Jesus' Example

Audio: Click here!

Temptation / Test had a different meaning in the scriptures than it has today.  Now it has a narrower meaning of drawing someone into sin.  The word for “test” that we have in today’s Gospel is the same as what Jesus does to Philip when he is about to multiply the loaves and says “where are we going to get enough bread?” as well as other passages.  God isn’t leading them to sin, but is trying out their resolve and their strength.
What the devil is looking for is Jesus’ identity.  “IF you are the Son of God…”  He heard about the witness of John the Baptist, whom he must have been keeping his eyes on, since many were calling him the messiah.  Now John testifies to this new man, who has never sinned.  Ever.  Who is he?  What does “son of God” mean…?
Jesus does not give him the answer he is seeking.  He is left unsure, and perhaps this is why, when the time comes, he tries to kill him.


1.  Food. 

2. Power / Wealth    

3. Fame.

Three steps that Jesus gives us to conquer temptations

Face the temptation.  Acknowledge it.  Don’t avoid it or hide from it.

Respond in faith.  Expose the lie.  Affirm the truth.

Act on that faith.

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