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Audio on Soundcloud.

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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Modern Prophets, Part Two: witnessing

Prophecy is once again at the center of this week's readings. Remember from last week, I spoke on being the living witnesses of the God of Abraham in today's world, and the 4 Signs of a Dynamic Catholic: Prayer, Study, Generosity, and Evangelization. Hopefully you have prayed about this and started a plan to slowly increase these in your life.
A new theme I want to focus on: How to evangelize with your words.
Ultimately, we must remember it's not about you or me, nor about the people we are speaking to.
Fr. Ben's room in seminary: you aren't here for yourself!
I had a picture of my "bride to be" - the Cathedral of our diocese.
We have pictures of our loved ones in our offices, our cars, nowadays our phones & computers.
These are all reminders: we are here to give ourselves away.

Amos and Saint Paul show us how to witness.
Amos: tell your story.
Paul: tell your story in light of HIS story.

The best witnessing answers this question: What has GOD done in your life?

This is what Amos shows us today. He speaks straightforward and honestly about who he was and who he now is because of what God has done. We must so the same. Think of your own story and be able to tell it (or really a snapshot of it) in a minute or less. That is the best way to witness with your words.

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