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Monday, June 29, 2015

The Next Generation (First Mass at John the Baptist)

Audio link:

Our society today seems less stable than ever in a lot of ways, with many of the changes appearing as a backwards slide.  However, in the man Jairus from today's Gospel I see an important call for us to have hope. Jairus is a sort of example for us all of not despairing on the next generation.  His daughter was sick and eventually dead, but he didn't lose faith in what God could do.
Perhaps he knew more than the rest of those around him that God did not make death, as we heard from our first reading.
The importance of the next generation.  If they are dead, perhaps it is not their fault.
The cure: Bringing them to Christ Jesus! This happens in a lot of practical ways too! (Spending time with them. Praying with them and giving them blessings. Giving them advice.)
That is exactly what John the Baptist did: hopeful but realistic about need for growth and conversion, he pointed out our Lord and called us to follow after Him no matter what changes we need to make.
This New priest and what he brought (show and tell!)

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