How do we tell where our treasure is?
1 - Look at your calendar, how you spend your time, and ask
why. Particularly perhaps how you spend
little bits of free time: 20 minutes here, an hour there.
2- Watch where your money goes, and ask why.
3 - How do you spend your mental energy? Watch where your
mind goes. What do you get worried/anxious
about, and why? What are the things that
you pursue?
It doesn’t so much matter what we carry in this life, but
how we carry it. For what we carry is
ultimately received from God as a gift.
How we carry it is our gift to God.
“Much will be required of the person entrusted with much,
and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.”
A huge part of the Christian life is waiting.
Chrism Mass, or ordination Mass. “hurry up and wait” seems to be the rule of
such big Church events. We have to
arrive 30 minutes or an hour ahead of time, and then we are ready in three
minutes, the next 27 is waiting in line to get into church. Sometimes they give us instruction like “Fathers
you are going to walk in and genuflect and kiss the altar and sit down over
yonder, etc. etc.” as if this is rocket science that we’ve never heard before -
and oh my goodness, I better take notes or I just might mess this up!
But in some ways that waiting in line with
all those priests is kind of like what the Christian life is like. While I wait in line, I am focused on one
intention, one goal: getting into that Mass.
Just like all of us, in this life, ought to be focused one one
intention, one goal: seeing God face-to-face in eternity. That is where I want my heart to be. So man, I need to be sure that my calendar,
my wallet, my mental energy, and every other part of myself points to that one
reality I’m supposed to be focused on.
When I’m in line for Mass, I have vestments
on, I am not playing basketball or staring at my phone bingeing on Stranger Things. My focus is where I’m headed, so I don’t get
wrapped up in stuff that leads somewhere else.
I can’t, and I admit it by the fact that I’m in vestments and waiting in
line. Do we live our Christian life in
such a way that emphasizes we are on the journey?
The liturgy is an opportunity to reflect on what
life is about, and to wait in line for the fulfillment that God will give.
It is a good type of waiting. It is a way that we “get in line” for where
God wants to lead us. But we have to do
this in so many other ways.
Ask God, beg the Holy Spirit to show you,
where we may need to readjust our treasures, so that our hearts can be more
firmly rooted in the Sacred Heart of Jesus that is burning with love for
you. Your heart was made for His Heart.
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