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G.K. Chesterton did a great job expressing to our world the reality of so-called Christianized areas of Europe and the Americas when he said: “Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.” And the fact of our culture is that many people leave it at that. We often don’t try, since there’s more than enough interesting things out there to keep our attention and distract us from the fact that our lives are really not satisfying and fulfilling without God. Most of our culture only knows that Christianity, especially Catholics, simply have some very firm stances on things like human life (abortion, euthanasia, etc), sexuality, marriage, and poor, and just about no one outside the Church agrees with these teachings as a whole. But they are truly a part of who we are, and we can’t sidestep them.
G.K. Chesterton did a great job expressing to our world the reality of so-called Christianized areas of Europe and the Americas when he said: “Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.” And the fact of our culture is that many people leave it at that. We often don’t try, since there’s more than enough interesting things out there to keep our attention and distract us from the fact that our lives are really not satisfying and fulfilling without God. Most of our culture only knows that Christianity, especially Catholics, simply have some very firm stances on things like human life (abortion, euthanasia, etc), sexuality, marriage, and poor, and just about no one outside the Church agrees with these teachings as a whole. But they are truly a part of who we are, and we can’t sidestep them.
chapters 12-15 we have the final section of Saint Paul’s Letter to the Romans,
and it is focused on moral exhortation. This
is not some last chance to squeeze things in and take care of business, but
rather Paul is keeping things in proper order: the Gospel first, and the moral
life second. Relationship to Jesus
always has a priority to Christian morality, even though the two can never be
totally separated. Thus Jesus tells us
today: Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take
up his cross, and follow me. In other words, we cannot truly love God without
trying to follow his commands and live as Christ lived (take up our cross), and
as we learn to follow the moral demands of Christianity we grow in our love of
God (and neighbor).
of Chapter 12 is worth reading and re-reading, but I would encourage you to
begin memorizing today’s two verses, which are a short summary of vocation of
the Christian life. When Paul tells us to
offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your
spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but
be transformed by the renewal of your mind – he is contrasting Christian worship against not only
the pagan sacrifices of the day, but also the Jewish rituals of the Old
Covenant that have been fulfilled in the work of Christ Jesus. Hebrews 10:5 Therefore,
when Christ came into the world, He said: "Sacrifice and offering You did
not desire, but a body You prepared for me.
Our entire Christian life is summarized here. Worship is the center of religion, and thus
is the sort of pinnacle of religious practice.
But you see here that Paul makes it impossible for us to
compartmentalize our religious practice from the rest of our lives. Because we cannot simply go buy a goat and
roast it (which might take a few hours) and leave it at that, and move on with
life. No, Paul makes it clear that it is
we ourselves that our being sacrificed.
And he also makes it clear that it isn’t just
external or physical requirements that God is looking for – that was already
included in the Old Covenant of Judaism.
Rather, God wants spiritual worship, and a renewal of our minds. This is the whole person: body and soul. Our entire person is what we are to
offer. Wow, that’s not easy.
You know, the real problem with a “living
sacrifice” (thanks especially our fallen human nature) is that a living
sacrifice is able to get up and walk off the altar. If the goat had known ahead of time, I’m sure
it would passionately object to the proposal of sacrifice, and this is why Christianity
is so challenging! We, like Saint Peter,
would rather things be quite different: God
forbid, Lord! No such thing shall ever happen! But that living
sacrifice is exactly what makes us Christians.
When we offer the bread and wine, as well as
the collection basket and our gifts for the food pantry, we are offering
symbolically our entire selves. This is
an outward sign of our spiritual worship. Let us pray that every day we truly allow
this Eucharist to transform and renew our minds, so we can carry our crosses behind
the Lord.
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