Triumph - victory. Found in a torture device of capital punishment? That is the mystery of providence, that is the sign of God's great love.
Pilgrimage: hike
Auschwitz - St. Maximillian Kolbe: love is stronger than hatred, light it stronger than darkness, good is stronger than evil.
Auschwitz - St. Maximillian Kolbe: love is stronger than hatred, light it stronger than darkness, good is stronger than evil.
Because every one of us is overrun with concupiscence (our selfish tendency toward sin), the world hates the Cross. I mean, who looks at that and says "gimme gimme gimme!" No one. But today in a more powerful way because our western culture has tried to throw out the idea of universal truth. And when we do that we are left with the two options of today: whatever the crowd says (aka "the herd mentality") or "whatever feels good", or both.
Emotivism: my emotions = true & good. This is clearly the antithesis of the cross.
"Do what feels good" equals idolatry of the ego
Christ wasn't feeling good on the cross. Feelings were far below where his heart and mind were at the time. They were in the sky.
"Thy Will be done" as we pray in the Our Father
Embrace the Cross if you wish to experience it's triumph.
How? Daily holiness in the small things: family, friends, work (student). John of Cross: "in the end we are judged by our love."
Confession. Essential for us because we are all sinners. Let the Cross triumph. Sin only wins if we stay on the ground and don't get back up.
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