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Audio on Soundcloud.

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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Cost of Discipleship

What do the following have in common?
Friendship. Marriage. A Job. College. Parenting. Sports team or any type of club. A diet. Christian Discipleship.

Maybe more then one thing, but what I was thinking is they all require commitment and sacrifice.

Commitment and sacrifice is common.  We only need to think about the choices we make - almost all of them mean sacrifice.

If we are committing to following Christ, then we will be sacrificing as well.  It means no to worldly power, no to glory, no to a comfortable, easy life.  But it also means a bigger yes: yes to a life of deep meaning, a life of impact for the good, a life of love, of laughter even when we can't avoid pain, of joy, of community, of acceptance, and of giving and receiving.

That is what the Cross now means.  Jesus transformed the definition of the Cross, no longer an instrument of torture and of fearful oppression, it is now a sign of victory.  As Saint Paul says:

Galatians 6:14 But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ; by whom the world is crucified to me, and I to the world.

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