Our Lord tells us in an unmistakably clear way that He is alone the
answer to the deepest questions of our life.
the important work of philosophy are summed up in these fundamental
questions: What is life all about? What should I do? What can I
know? What can I hope for? These are all questions oriented
toward our fulfillment and our happiness.
you all know that happiness and success depend on how you define them
and how you answer those deep fundamental questions about why we are
here on this earth.
that the real answer for the deepest questions of our life is Christ
Jesus Himself. The problems of our world stem from the fact
that people fall for other definitions of happiness or success that
do not fully reach to Christ.
recently heard a talk from a very very bright priest who defined four
levels of happiness based on the collective genius of over 150 of the
greatest philosophers of our world. In Fr.
Spitzer's Article, he outlines those four types of happiness in
this way.
and lowest are physical things and experiences: a cool swim on a hot
day, a deliciously prepared meal, and the excitement from driving a
sports car. This is instant gratification, but when they're
gone, so too goes the delight of them. Now, these are good as
long as they aren't sinful, but they can't make you happy forever,
and soon you get past their allure and seek for something higher.
2 happiness is all about me: the ego-driven, self-aggrandizing,
praise-hungry, power-seeking, self-made man who glories in being on
top. It's not surprise that about 2/3 of Americans are stuck in
this category of comparing ourselves to others and defining our value
based off of others, instead of how God loves us. Success is
not bad, but the problem is when it alone becomes the definition of
our happiness and, since there's never any stopping this race for the
top, it will eventually leave us jaded and bitter. Focusing
solely on personal achievement can take up a big chunk of our lives,
unless we move to the next level of happiness.
3 Happiness derived from doing good for others and making the world a
better place. Level
3 happiness is more enduring because it is directed toward the human
desire for love, truth, goodness, beauty, and unity. This is
focused on contributing to the common good, whether in a team, an
organization, a local community, a parish, or in the world. This
turns our heart more directly toward what we are called to. As
Mother Teresa says, we were created to love and to be loved. This
begins to get us there and satisfy our hearts more deeply.
4 Ultimate,
perfect happiness. When
others fall short of our ideals, or we fall short ourselves, we’re
disappointed. This disappointment points to a universal human longing
for transcendence and perfection. We don’t merely desire love,
truth, goodness, beauty, and unity; we want all of these things in
their ultimate, perfect, never-ending form. All people have this
desire for ultimacy, which psychologists call a desire for
transcendence – a sense of connection to the larger universe. Some
express this desire through spirituality and religious faith. Others
express the same longing through philosophy, through art, or through
scientific efforts to solve the mysteries of life and the universe.
is where today's Gospel comes in: Jesus is the way the truth and the
Life. We begin to discover that He is the one we were seeking
all along. Here we can finally say with St. Augustine, "You
have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until
they rest in you."
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