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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Homily for 4-22-2012

For Christians, we only truly know as much as we truly do.

Jesus comes to his disciples today to strengthen their faith to be his witnesses. So he asks them a very important question, the first question there in the upper room – do you remember what that important question was: “Do you have anything to eat?” They won't believe, they think he's a ghost, so Jesus gets down to business, even in a humorous way.

Witnesses are what Jesus calls his disciples to be at the end of the Gospel. Witnesses testify to something they have seen, heard, or experienced. The Twelve are now charged to take their experiences with Christ, (actually those experiences after his Resurrection, not before) and testify to the world about the truth of the matter: Jesus has been raised.

For Christians, we only truly know as much as we truly do.

We learn much more by doing than by simply listening or repeating. It is when we put something into practice that it becomes real and alive for us. So for the Apostles, they knew Christ and the Gospel best when they went out and witnessed to Him before others. This is because the Gospel is not meant to be kept hidden, but shared, by its very nature – so it isn't fully itself if it is turned inward.

In our letter from 1 John we see the emphasis of following God's commandments. We have to put into practice in our lives the truth of the Gospel we have received in order to say we truly know him.

And mysteriously, walking in God's commandments helps us to know Him better. When we forgive seventy-seven times, we experience the wisdom in that teaching. When we give without counting the cost to the poor, we see Jesus in them. When we hunger and thirst for righteousness, we find the Lord satisfying us in our prayers.

And mysteriously, walking more closely in God's commandments helps us to witness to Him better. We then testify with authority and authenticity to the God who has worked in our lives. We have, maybe without even noticing its profound implications, experienced the Risen Christ who has come to us and brought us peace.

For Christians, we truly know when we truly do. May we continue to walk by the Holy Spirit so that we can know the Lord more in our lives.

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