Gospel we hear today is chosen by the Church for many reasons. In
John's Gospel the raising of Lazarus is the last of the “signs”
that Christ carries out in his public ministry. So just as the
disciples now only await the culmination of the Gospel, the greatest
sign that itself fulfills everything the other events signify. So,
then, Lazarus' death and resurrection are a foreshadowing of
Christ's, and only from the Lord's future resurrection does it draw
its power.
this church we have revived an old tradition of veiling statues and
sacred art, except for the Stations of the Cross and our sanctuary
crucifix. This is so fitting for today, when we remember that
Lazarus, dead in sin, awaited new life from Him who is the
Resurrection and the Life. As we enter into this deeper time of
penance, we too await with eager expectation the Passion, death, and
Resurrection of the Lord which we begin to enter into next week for
Palm Sunday.
death, which awaits us all, is only “sleep,” Jesus reminds us,
because to God, all are living. The death that is worse than
physical death is human sinfulness, and we see this in today's
Gospel. Remember that death had only come into the world because of
the sin of Adam and Eve, and while it seems a punishment, death is
also a sort of gift because it brings the suffering of this life to
an end. In today's Gospel God weeps at the death that is caused by
sin, because He is human, not physical death but the death of sin.
The affections that Jesus shows are because of the horror of sin, and
the pain he feels today foreshadows his suffering from the garden of
Gethsemani all the way to Calvary.
that horror of sin which we see in Lazarus' death, Christ destroys
and gives new life in its place. He desires to do the same for you.
Allow Jesus to free you from the tomb of your sins: come to the
Penance Service this Tuesday night. With eighteen priests and your
fellow parishioners beside you, allow the Lord to heal you from
death, so that you can joyfully experience the Resurrection of our
Lord in only two weeks. Today, to all of us, wrapped in our sins,
Christ calls out: “Come out! Come to me and find your sins
conquered and your life renewed!” Come out!
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